Color Theory Reference Sketchbook Project 1
COLOR TERMS AND CONCEPTS: A Reference Sketchbook/ Color Theory Notebook
Your task is to give brief definitions of the following terms (as presented in chapter 2 of Hornung´s book, or equivalent source) and create the corresponding illustrations (as applicable), to produce your own hand made illustrated book of basic color theory.
Use an A4 or similar size hard-bound sketchbook with watercolor type paper. Start by writing the definitions and sketching the lay-out of your page or pages and illustrations before proceeding to the final work with gouache on the sketchbook. Consider size, placement of elements, overall design of the page, clarity and flow of written and visual information, etc.
Your sketchbook on color theory will be used also as a color mixture samples and color combinations samples and exercises reference book.
1. Spectrum / Spectral Color
2. Additive Color Process
3. Subtractive Color Process
4. Color Wheel
5. Primary Triad
6. Complementary Hues
7. Analogous Hues
8. Saturation
9. Value
10. Overtone / Color bias
11. Secondary Triad
12. Co-primary Triad
13. Earth Tone Primary Triad
reference for concepts:
Hornung, David: Colour - A workshop for artists and designers, London: Lawrence King, 2005
Example of color reference sketch book:

image source:
COLOR TERMS AND CONCEPTS: A Reference Sketchbook/ Color Theory Notebook
Your task is to give brief definitions of the following terms (as presented in chapter 2 of Hornung´s book, or equivalent source) and create the corresponding illustrations (as applicable), to produce your own hand made illustrated book of basic color theory.
Use an A4 or similar size hard-bound sketchbook with watercolor type paper. Start by writing the definitions and sketching the lay-out of your page or pages and illustrations before proceeding to the final work with gouache on the sketchbook. Consider size, placement of elements, overall design of the page, clarity and flow of written and visual information, etc.
Your sketchbook on color theory will be used also as a color mixture samples and color combinations samples and exercises reference book.
1. Spectrum / Spectral Color
2. Additive Color Process
3. Subtractive Color Process
4. Color Wheel
5. Primary Triad
6. Complementary Hues
7. Analogous Hues
8. Saturation
9. Value
10. Overtone / Color bias
11. Secondary Triad
12. Co-primary Triad
13. Earth Tone Primary Triad
reference for concepts:
Hornung, David: Colour - A workshop for artists and designers, London: Lawrence King, 2005
Example of color reference sketch book:

image source: